Monday, October 15, 2012

Feminity in Action

Ever since taking this class I can't help but notice how females (and males) interact. Before it was something that I just didn't notice. Now it's all I pay attention to! For example, when I was at the Hartslog Festival this past weekend all of  the women were huddled together gossiping and oozing over the crafts while the men were engaging in "hearty" conversations full of archery talk and slaps on the back when one of them shared a story about shooting a deer. Don't get me wrong, I hunt, but looking at the population as a whole men are much more engaged in this activity. It's not only that I've noticed these differences but it's also deeper than that. What does it mean to be proud of killing? What does it mean to be content with knitting? (not that knitting is a bad thing) Until now I have never given these comments a second thought...until I realized that they mean something more. They mean something more about our society as a whole. Who dictates that killing is okay for men and knitting is okay for women? Initially it is our parents but who influences them? Their parents? Society as a whole? Where does it begin and more importantly where does it stop? Throughout this course we have contemplated this but I'm not sure I'm any closer to understanding it. Then again, it is one of those things that is so blatantly obvious that it had to be pointed out to me! Therefore, my thoughts on the subject are young..hopefully throughout this class I'll form more complex opinions about this subject.

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