Friday, November 30, 2012

Duck Dynasty

I was watching a TV show called Duck Dynasty the other night and couldn't help but think of this class. The cast of the show live in Louisiana and live for duck hunting. They own a million dollar duck call company but choose to live as "rednecks." I love the show and think that it is hilarious but...they are so traditional that it's too obvious to miss. For instance, Miss Kay is only ever seen in the kitchen!..where the men wouldn't be caught dead. They preach that the way to a man's heart is through good cooking and that men should choose women based on cooking ability! If I would have watched this show prior to taking this course I probably wouldn't have thought much of their traditional values. Now it is all I see! It's not that they treat the women poorly by any means but the gender roles are so strictly defined. Even the women don't dare question their roles. I don't think any of them actually work; they're more or less trophy wives. There was even an episode where they had a sewing contest! Obviously the women predominantly partook in this contest (although the uncle did chip in). I love "country living" if you will but I also plan to have a career. I consider myself a strong woman and would never want to be "domestic." I can't cook myself easy mac as sad as that's true. I have no desire to learn to cook or clean or sew. I want a husband who is outdoorsy, hunts, fishes but also who respects me as an equal not a cook. That may be near impossible but I won't settle. Maybe being domestic works for some women but not me. I don't think any woman should compromise herself in any way for a man. Women have too much to offer society to be cooped in the the house cooking or cleaning. Hopefully women realize this and push themselves to be more than housewives; I know I will.

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