Friday, November 16, 2012


It was really interesting to see the differences in representation and air time for men and women's sports. It is clear that men receive more attention in their athletic roles but I never realized how much more! Also, the comment about only the beautiful female athletes being recognized was an eye opener. When you watch women's athletic events, you don't even think about the people who do not look like them! I've never thought, hey where's the "butch" girl or the less attractive girl but really.. where are they? Because the media sexualizes female athletes, the less attractive ones have no appeal (no pun intended) and so are not mentioned. It is truly a shame that women can't be recognized apart from men. There are many female athletes that are just as good if not better than men at sports (but no one would EVER admit to that). Even little things..for instance, the boys at my high school being recognized for going to college and playing a sport while another girl and I were not even mentioned! Ironic that I am the only one who went to play a sport in college who is still playing!! HA. Oh and by the way, I also have a 3.75 GPA.. can't say the same for my male comrades. People seem to think that men are more physically AND mentally tough. FALSE. Clearly, none of the ultra athletic guys who went to play sports could handle both athletics and grades. So if I have to face a bit of discrimination along the way I can handle it..they'll recognize me when I'm educated and well off (and athletic). Muscle mass isn't everything. Maybe in high school they should have been learning how to be mentally tough not how to be physical brutes and mental tragedies. AH that felt good.

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